chibiguri — Profile

Name:  gankomon
Birthday:  31 December, 2000
Bio:  Gankomon currently is the technical support lead for a startup security software company. Prior to joining the support team, he was a senior software quality engineer, and specialized in Japanese language software.
He holds a master's degree in History, and a California substitute teaching permit. He has also spent significant time teaching English as a Second Language both in Japan and in the United States.
Prior to joining the software industry, Gankomon spent a number of years as a professional musician. He is no longer part of that profession, though he still performs regularly with a number of local groups to keep his hand in.

Historical: Medieval Japan, Plantagenet and Napoleonic England, Roman Republic and Principiate, US Colonial and Pre-Civil War, World War II.
Musical: Big Band Swing, Dixieland, Beethoven, Bach, Canadian Brass, ska, 80's pop music, and anything except rap and hip-hop.
Favorite Authors: Ngaiao Marsh, Aaron Elkins, Mary Stewart, Dick Francis, C.S. Forester, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Edward Gibbon, Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Rudyard Kipling, Thomas Costain, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Fletcher Pratt, L. Sprague de Camp, David Eddings, JRR Tolkien, Harry Harrison, Douglas Reeman, Alexander Kent, Dudley Pope, and too many others to mention.
Genres: Science Fiction, Heroic Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Victorian/Edwardian Poetry/Literature, Primary Documents, Scholarly Texts and Articles in various fields, etc.

Blog Created:  Thursday, 24 February 2005
Last Updated:  Monday, 7 March 2005 - 1:30 AM EST
Blog Entries:  11

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